
All is Well

Your soul is an ardent lover of God and his goodness.

Do not get entangled with the dishonest ways of the desiring mind.

You have to be madly in love with the pure ways of the heart...........then there is no mind to fight.......

There must be no boundary of sincerity you have toward your spirit of love peace and righteousness.

You have to be completely and fully truthful when you speak to your spirit within.........The moment you shall even slightly deceive that honesty you shall experience the gusty winds of restlessness, fear and anger.

What can you hide from the eyes of the soul..........All is known to it.........even your attempt of hiding .........and your attempt of defending the indefensible!

Frustration is never the reaction to a circumstance..........it is the reaction of you hurting and ignoring your own strength of goodness.

How can I describe the peace you shall experience when you are best friends with your soul? In that friendship you shall see all around you as your friend.........there will be no enemy for you from that moment on!

Whatever you defend is what you don't like within you.........You are defending the unlikable to silence your soul.......

That which is good, pure and peaceful has no need to defend..........Its silence is the extreme power of its expression.

You can only become a victim of circumstance if you have doubted the guidance of your soul and placed yourself in the suppositions of fear.

All is well when you are at peace with your true nature..........All is well when the ways of the soul are clear to you..........All is well when you are empowered with your spirit of goodness..........All is well when there is no one to hate and resent...........All is well when you are ready to take responsibility of what you think....you say.... and you do........All is well  when you expect nothing from anyone..........All is well when you are able to give your understanding to both that endure pain and inflict pain.............All is well if the torch of transformation is burning within your heart..........all is well then, My dears..........
